Company name: Axereal Serbia doo
Address: Kotorska 64, 21000 Novi Sad, Srbija
Phone number: +381 21 533 105
Registration number: 08815224
Publication Director: Frédéric MOULIN
Head office: 131 Boulevard de Sébastopol
75002 Paris, France
Phone number: +33 (0) 1 40 09 30 00
Design and development
8, rue des Dunes
75019 PARIS
Terms & Conditions
The website is operated by Axereal Serbia doo. (Axereal). By starting use of this website the user accepts the following terms and conditions of the use of the website.
Any information, documents or other written material is published for general information purposes only. Axereal has all the copyrights regarding the content of this website or any part of it (including but not limited to: photos, structure of the website, written material). The ‘Axereal’ logo, trade name, and all the product brands appearing on the website are the exclusive intellectual property of Axereal, third party shall use those only having the prior written consent of Axereal.
It is prohibited to use, modify, store, or create any kind of rights or title on the content, or any part of it, photos, texts, trademarks or brands or use those in any other way without the prior written consent of Axereal.
The information provided on the website shall not be considered as professional advice. Axereal shall not be liable for damages arising from business decisions made based on the information appearing on the website.
To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law Axereal excludes all liabilities for the continuous or faultless access to this website.
Axereal expressly excludes all liability for any damages and/or loss arising from the access, direct or indirect use of the website or the information, documents or other written materials available on the website, or from the unsuitably status for use of the website, or from improper operation, defectiveness, possible breakdown or ambiguity. Axereal may amend, revise the website or limit or terminate access to the website any time at its sole discretion.
Questions or issues regarding the use of the website not regulated hereby shall be governed by the relevant laws of Serbia.